To Travell

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Aberdeenshire Escape Offers Wild Wellness with Refreshing Cold Bath

Aberdeenshire Escape Offers Wild Wellness with Refreshing Cold Bath

Glen Dye, Scotland: Imagine yourself in a bright orange tin bath, surrounded by lush Aberdeenshire woods. The chilly 8°C water stings your skin, but a former UK commando is by your side, guiding you through breathing exercises. This isn’t a military drill but a new kind of wellness experience at Glen Dye’s Discovery and Adventure Centre.

Here, contrast bathing, also known as the Nordic cycle, is a local trend. It involves alternating between a sauna and icy cold water plunges, and the benefits are numerous, including reduced inflammation, better sleep, and stress reduction.

The 6,000-hectare Glen Dye estate, with its tranquil woodlands and meandering river, provides the perfect backdrop for this unique wellness adventure. Pip Delamere-Wright, the UK’s first female commando turned wellness coach, will patiently guide you through the process. Glen Dye isn’t just about contrast bathing. Guests can stay in beautifully renovated cottages, relax in wood-fired hot tubs, or explore the surrounding area. Day trips to Dunnottar Castle, Aberdeen, or St Cyrus beach are all within reach.

For those seeking more action, Pip’s husband, Stu Wright, offers a range of outdoor activities, from bushcraft to cold water swimming. Contrast bathing is a refreshing experience.  The initial shock of cold water gives way to a surge of adrenaline and euphoria. Pip explains, “You’re talking to your prefrontal cortex and taking control. This is where you build resilience and grit.”

Pip herself is living proof of resilience. After a successful military career, she became a wild wellness instructor and even participated in Channel 4’s Alone, a grueling winter survival challenge. By the final plunge, you might even find yourself craving the cold. The experience leaves you with a newfound sense of accomplishment and a healthy dose of post-swim euphoria. Replenish your body later with a delicious lunch prepared by Caroline Gladstone, co-founder of Glen Dye Cabins and Cottages. So, ditch the ordinary and set off on an extraordinary adventure with contrast bathing at Glen Dye. It’s a wild wellness adventure you will remember!

About Author

Syed Imran Ali Zaidi

Hi, Imran here! I am your friendly neighborhood language superhero, content writer, alphabet juggler, wordsmith, and sentence sorcerer. Satisfied with what I can do? Here is more! I have more than 10+ years of experience in crafting short-form and long-form content. I am well-versed in multiple niches, including Travel, Tech, Smart Home, Lawn Care, Health, Fitness, Food, and the list goes on). I have mastered the skill of turning complex ideas into your cup of tea and pastime "go-to" hobby. From the brevity of a social media post to a detailed blog, I've done it all. Here at To Travell, I bring the destination to you as you imagine being on a virtual journey in a literal 6D experience. Anything else you want to know? You can always drop a message. I always reply!

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